In July of 2020, Steepletown Neighborhood Services received $100,000 over two years ($50,000 annually) to continue JobStart, a program that provides economic opportunities for disconnected young adults – and especially young men of color – who may experience barriers that prevent them from obtaining living wage jobs.
Participants work up to 20 hours per week while engaging in JobLab, a paid work experience that provides a supportive environment where they practice job skills most desired by prospective employers. Each week, participants meet with a JobStart Coordinator to address barriers they currently face, establish career goals, and develop an achievement plan.
Participants exit the program upon completing their desired educational credentials and landing a full-time job or apprenticeship. JobStart graduates receive ongoing coaching and mentorship for two years to ensure their success in their new career pathway. The Steelcase Foundation is pleased to continue to support Steepletown’s work through JobStart to improve outcomes for young people in our community through meaningful employment pathways.