Systemic Change + Movement Building Grants $569,600 ($545,000)
Systemic Change and Movement Building grants leverage the Foundation’s power and influence to inform philanthropy or policy and use our expertise to drive and support larger scale social change. Through these initiatives, we celebrate the power of collaboration, and often use our positionality to bring to light inequities and make space at the table for those with the lived experience or direct knowledge to best inform how we partner with and support community for lasting change.
In 2023, our work included partnering with local foundations to provide nonprofits with broad knowledge around how they can collaborate, engage, and in some cases advocate for change through policy work; creating space for our nonprofit partners to share their wisdom through paid storytelling on our website and in this report; and laying the groundwork for a 10-year $10 million Investment in Families Initiative which seeks to change the behavior of systems and policies for mothers as they transition out of ALICE (asset limited, income constrained, and employed) status, to maximize well-being for both those in the Initiative, and families in similar situations throughout Michigan.