Investing in The Diatribe’s Sustainability

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The Diatribe
Grant Recipient
The Diatribe
Awarded Amount
$375,000 over three years

In January of 2023, The Diatribe received $375,000 over three years to support efforts to expand its staffing and programming for youth. As the organization sets to kickoff a capital campaign purchase and renovate an 18,000 square foot facility to be known as the Emory Arts and Culture Center, Diatribe to plant physical roots in the 49507, the organization needs to restructure and expand its staffing model to increase capacity and fulfill the roles needed to deliver expanded programming and services. 

Over the next three years, the Diatribe will add six additional team members to support operations and administration, development, and the management of the Emory Arts and Culture Center, providing space for its current staff to amplify programming to serve additional youth and continue to show up for community as an unapologetic vision for liberation that is accessible to all. 

We’re excited to continue partnering with the Diatribe to deliver best in class English Language Arts programming to youth, and to imagine new ways to serve youth and our community as the organization continues to grow.

Click here to learn more about the Diatribe’s Education Programming and its future home and the Emory Arts and Culture Center.