Our Approach

Strategic Partnership to Meet Community Needs

Photo courtesy of our friends at The Diatribe

Strategic Goals

This strategy focuses on collaborative learning and partnership with nonprofits through grantmaking to support what is working and invest in new and innovative approaches and ideas to meet community needs.

Learning + Innovation
Scale + Deepen Impact
Partner Stories
Support What is Working
Photos courtesy of our friends at Affinity Mentoring and Grandville Avenue Arts + Humanities.

  Supportive Funds + Initiatives  

Operations, Programming, Pilots + Project (OP3) Grants

Investment and partnership through grantmaking with 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations that are vision and mission aligned with the Steelcase Foundation, to support existing work, projects, and pilot new interventions that advance their work. Funding is approved for one to three years based on the purpose and timeline for the activities associated with the grant. Grant accountability is deeply grounded in organizational development, change theory, and measurable outcomes, and is based on the type of grant approved. The application process occurs quarterly. Grants are approved by the Board of Trustees.

Photo courtesy of our friends at Camp Blodgett

Operations, Programming, Pilots + Project (OP3) Grants

Investment and partnership through grantmaking with nonprofit organizations 501(c)(3) that are vision and mission aligned with the Steelcase Foundation, to support existing work, special projects, and pilot new interventions that advance their work. Funding is approved for one to three years based on the purpose and timeline for the activities associated with the grant. Grant accountability is deeply grounded in organizational development, change theory, and measurable outcomes, and is based on the type of grant approved. The application process occurs quarterly. Grants are approved by the Board of Trustees.

Rapid Response + Emerging Action Fund

This fund provides grants to meet two community needs: 

  • Grants for up to $30,000 for one year to fund projects that address emerging or time-bound needs in the community; 
  • Grants for up to $60,000 over two years to provide timely support for newly developed programming addressing specific community needs. 

The application process occurs in real-time. Steelcase Foundation staff review, make approvals, and initiate the first payment typically within one month. 

Photo courtesy of our friends at the Grand Rapids Art Museum

  Featured Partner Stories + Learnings