The Steelcase Foundation is seeking a research and evaluation (R&E) partner to support its Investment in Families Initiative, a ten-year investment in a cohort of 30 Black and Latina mothers in Kent County, MI with the dual goals of (1) supporting their individual and collective well-being; and (2) changing the behavior of systems and institutions that continue to enact harm upon them and their communities.
The R&E partner will design and implement a mixed-methods evaluation strategy for this longitudinal pilot program that is grounded in principles of equity, cultural responsiveness and relevance, and participatory evaluation and center the “felt difference” and well-being of participants.
Click here to review the full RFP.
Interested parties should contact Stacy Stout, director of family-centered philanthropy, at to schedule a meeting in August or early September. Proposals are due by October 6, 2023.