Partner Story

Community-Centered Circle of Support at Arbor Circle

Grant Recipient

Arbor Circle

Awarded Amount

$100,000 over two years

In July, the Steelcase Foundation awarded Arbor Circle a two-year $100,000 grant to support its Community-Centered Circles of Support, which brings mental health services to children and families in trusted spaces – in their homes, schools, and community – to reduce barriers to access, and help people feel more comfortable and confident in seeking out support when needed. Through this multigenerational approach Arbor Circle will support both children and their parents/caregivers, ensuring youth meet their educational and developmental milestones, while building the collective family mental wellbeing through healthy coping skills and resiliency strategies. We’re excited to partner with Arbor Circle over the next two years, as it works to increase access to mental health services, meeting people where they are so they have the tools and support needed to thrive.   

Hear from Taylor Greenfield, Development Director at Arbor Circle, in her interview with Rapid Growth Media, as she shares her insights into the work and Arbor Circle’s recent grant from the Foundation by clicking here.