Supportive Funds + Initiatives Brilliant Leaders Fellowship

The Brilliant Leaders Fellowship invests in the professional development and social and emotional growth of local community nonprofit leaders to elevate their voices, power, and impact, and to support the mutual goals of navigating and transforming systems. This initiative addresses the need for emerging nonprofit leaders to have time and structured opportunities to learn outside of their day-to-day work environments, build supportive relationships with systems and community leaders, reflect on their work and purpose, and re-energize from the emotionally heavy work they do. As visionary and courageous leadership can often be lonely and exhausting, Fellows get the chance to step back from the day-to-day demands of their role, meet with extraordinary peers who push their thinking, and build social capital with systems and community leaders.

The inaugural cohort of the Brilliant Leaders Fellowship was selected in fall of 2023. Over the next 12 months, leaders will gather for learning, sharing, and connecting with the goal of creating a strong system of support, ideation, collaboration, and leadership. The fellowship includes reflection on values-based leadership and equity, time for inspiration and celebration of participants as agents for change, and intentional community building among leaders with space for healing and respite.
Meet the 2023 Cohort. Recruitment for the next second cohort will begin February of 2025.

Through a 12-month transformational experience, leaders will gather for learning, sharing, and connecting with the goal of creating a strong system of support, ideation, collaboration, and leadership. The fellowship will include reflection on values-based leadership and equity, time for inspiration and celebration of participants as agents for change, and intentional community building among leaders with space for healing and respite. 

Cohort Members

Alisha Lauchie`

Co-Director, Urban Core Collective

Annalise Kontras

Senior Director of Leadership Development and WMLA Coaching,
The Leadership Academy

Antoinette Chapman, MA, LPC, CAADC

Co-Executive Director + Lead Mental Health Clinician, Realism is Loyalty

Jamon Alexander

President and CEO, West Michigan Center for Arts + Technology

Javier Cervantes

Chief Operating Officer, The Diatribe Inc

Jazz McKinney

Executive Director, Grand Rapids Pride Center

Jennifer Headley-Nordman

President, First Steps Kent

Keenan King, Ph.D

Executive Director, Kent School Services Network

Maleika Joubert Brown, Ed.S

Ombudsperson, Grand Rapids Public Schools

Sonja Forte

Executive Director, Baxter Community Center

Stacy Bare

Executive Director, Friends of Grand Rapids Parks

Steff Rosalez

CEO, Grandville Avenue Arts + Humanities