Annual Report: Recentering

A Letter From Our President:
Daniel Williams

We have designed our work at the Steelcase Foundation over this past year keeping in mind the urgency, importance, and relentlessness of justice work and our responsibilities to our community. In Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Paulo Freire wrote of liberation as a “praxis,” an iterative cycle of “reflection and action upon the world in order to transform it” (1975, p. 52). We seek to do and support praxis within our community, and this commitment has shown up in a number of ways.

Featured Stories

A New Space for Community

Grandville Avenue Arts + Humanities –
Uplifting Student and Parent Voice

AYA Youth Collective – A Comprehensive Health Initiative for Youth

Leading Educators – Equity in Literacy Fellowship

STEM Greenhouse – Accessible STEM Education for High Schoolers

MSU – Restorative Practices and Social Emotional Research-Practice Partnership (RPP)

Our 2022 Impact

Total Giving


($6,578,420 future)



($6,578,420 future)

Matching Gifts





Total Grantmaking With Matching Gifts


($6,578,420.14 future)

Operations, Programming, Pilots, and Projects (OP3)


($5,133,420.14 future)

Systemic Change + Movement Building


($1,045,000 future)



($400,000 future)

Rapid Response + Emerging Action



Early-Stage Operations + Planning Grants $200,000 ($400,000)

Multi-year investments and technical support for new and emerging 501(c)(3) nonprofits that are vision and mission aligned to the Foundation and focused on driving social change through placed-based programming and services. Grantees receive $150,000 over three years to support strategic and operational planning and to build the infrastructure of their organization.


Rapid Response + Emerging Action Grants $196,594.31

Grant fund provides support of up to $30,000 over one year to support projects that address emerging or time-bound community needs and provides up to $60,000 over two years to newly developed programming that address specific community needs. Application process and first payment are typically completed within one month.


Operations, Programming, Pilots and Pilots Grants (OP3) $4,075,276.65 ($5,133,420.14)

Provides investment and partnership to mission and vision aligned nonprofits for existing programs, special projects, and to pilot new interventions to advance their work. Grant accountability supports organizational development, change theory, and measurable outcomes based on the type of support provided.


Systemic Change + Movement Building Grants - $618,250.00 ($1,045,000)

Partnerships and Foundation-led initiatives that directly leverage the Foundation’s power to influence and inform philanthropy and policy and use our expertise to drive and support larger-scale social change.

Matching Gifts

Provides 1-1 match for US-based Steelcase employees, retirees, and directors up to $10,000 to qualified nonprofit organizations, amplifying our efforts to serve communities where Steelcase Inc. does business.

Total Gift Matching



2022 Operations


Financial Activities

Statements of Financial Position

Year ended Dec. 31, 2022

Statements of Financial Position

Year ended Dec. 31, 2022

We take an innovative approach to philanthropy

Our three community investment strategies advance the Foundation’s mission and are supported by our Guiding Principles to cumulatively move the community, sector, and Foundation closer to the vision where the inherent brilliance of our community is embraced, and efforts are focused on creating conditions where all can participate, grow, and thrive.